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Ashland City, Tenn. (Dec. 10, 2024) – The Cheatham County Homeless Coalition will organize the county’s first Point-in-Time (PIT) Count on January 28, 2025. The PIT Count is an outdoor count that conducts a census with the following populations: People sleeping outdoors, in tents, in cars, in RVs, on campgrounds, in parking lots, in entryways, in dilapidated housing (lack of electricity, plumbing, or leaking roofs), in truck stops, and in other places not meant for human habitation.


To perform an accurate count, PIT Count organizers are calling for volunteers to participate in the count, which will take place in the late afternoon/early evening of January 28. Teams of four to six volunteers will scan specific geographic areas in the county to look for people living outdoors.  

Cheatham County Homeless Coalition co-founders and residents Lisa Wysocky and Judith Tackett have participated in and helped organize PIT Counts in neighboring Davidson County for more than a decade.


“Based on conversations with local first responders and businesses, Cheatham County has seen an increase in people staying outdoors, in cars, or abandoned buildings,” said Wysocky, who is the executive director of Colby’s Army, a nonprofit organization based in Ashland City that provides street outreach services in Western Davidson County and in Cheatham County. “Conducting regular counts of people living in places not meant for human habitation will increase our local awareness, allow our member organizations to target resources, and coordinate services.”


Since this is the first PIT Count in Cheatham County, the organizers are calling for help from the community.


“We need assistance with identifying potential locations where people experiencing homelessness have been sighted,” said Tackett, a regional consultant who works with nonprofit and government entities on poverty and homelessness reduction. “We are working with law enforcement and community leaders, including churches, to help us identify potential locations. But the more input we can get from community members, the better our information for the night of the count will be.”


The Cheatham County Homeless Coalition has created an online “Location Tip” questionnaire where residents can describe locations where they have seen people experiencing homelessness.


The Coalition is also calling for volunteers the night of the count.


Who: Adults 18 years and older, who are able to walk on unpaved ground after dark

Time Commitment: 4-6 hours on the day/night of the count, plus a 2-hour volunteer training prior to the count

Fact Sheet: More information is available through our fact sheet.

Sign up as a volunteer by emailing


About the Cheatham County Homeless Coalition:

The Cheatham County Homeless Coalition brings together agencies serving people experiencing or at risk of homelessness in Cheatham County. Our goal is to network, collaborate, and examine best practices for assisting people in need in Cheatham County. Our members offer food, clothing, workforce development, legal aid, health/mental health assistance, service information, shelter, etc.

Cardboard City 2024 Press Release

The Cheatham County Homeless Coalition, working to raise awareness about homelessness in the community, wants to give the public a better understanding of what it means to be without a home.


The Coalition will host its second annual Cardboard City challenge on Saturday, September 7 from 8:30-11 a.m. at the Cheatham County Courthouse in Ashland City.


Families, churches, schools, nonprofits, civic organizations, and businesses are invited to form a team and participate in this experience. Teams, which are limited to 4-6 people, will be given cardboard boxes and duct tape and can pick one extra item such as rope, tarps, blankets, and scissors to build the homes. The homes will be judged, and prizes will be awarded.


Teams need to register in advance for the event and can do so through the Cheatham County Homeless Coalition website at or directly at the following link:


The registration deadline is August 23. There is no cost for teams to participate. There will be both youth and adult categories this year. Registered participants will receive a free T-shirt.


On the day of the event, teams should arrive by 8:30 a.m. A welcome and rules will be reviewed at 8:30 a.m. and the actual building will take place from 9-10 a.m. Announcements, speakers, judging, and awards will follow. A free breakfast, courtesy of Hardee’s in Ashland City, will be available.

For more information, please visit the Homeless Coalition’s website at or email Lisa Wysocky at or Claudette Fizer at


Cardboard City Cheatham County

Cheatham County Homeless Coalition, June 25, 2023


The Cheatham County Homeless Coalition is hosting  Cardboard City, an event to create awareness about the increase in homelessness in Cheatham County.


The inaugural Cardboard City event will take place on Saturday, August 26, 2023, from 8:30-11:30 am and participation in this competitive team event is free. Teams of 4-6 people will be given cardboard boxes and duct tape to build a cardboard house that needs to be standing for one hour.

Teams can register online by August 1, 2023. Visit our Cardboard City Awareness Campaign page for more detailed information.


Click on the orange button for our press release.

New Coalition to Coordinate Homelessness in Cheatham County 

Cheatham County Homeless Coalition, June 23, 2023


As part of organizing the Cardboard City homelessness awareness campaign, a small group of people representing the nonprofit, government, and private sectors is creating a new coalition in Cheatham County with the goal to hold quarterly information and coordination meetings.


"We hope to not only create awareness but learn how we can leverage community resources to improve how we address increasing homelessness in Cheatham County," said Judith Tackett, a local resident and homelessness consultant with regional and national expertise. "For now we hope to launch a coalition of the willing, learn about each other, and maybe set one common goal we can tackle together."


The first task is to organize the Cardboard City awareness campaign scheduled for Saturday, August 26, 2023, from 8:30 am to 11:30 am on the front lawn of the Cheatham County Courthouse. 


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